Alliance Event

Voices from the Ground: Challenges for the Transnational African Zoonoses Education Campaign in 4 African countries

February 1st 2024 13:00 - 14:15 UTC+1
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The Transnational African Zoonosis Education Campaign (ZEC) takes the One-Health-message to the people in Cameroon, Liberia, Nigeria, and Zambia. While the wildlife conservation organization Pro Wildlife has provided the scientific background of zoonoses in these countries, the four rescue centers of the consortium are integrating the health risks of zoonoses into their education and outreach programs.
In the search for individual, but also for generally effective tools to address a wide range of target groups, the consortium is confronted with a variety of challenges during the course of this project. Dr. Dauda Ayomide Onawola of Pandrillus in Nigeria will give you an insight into the implementation of this project. Together with the other partners of the consortium he will share with you the successes and challenges from the ground over the last 12 months.

Dr. Dauda Ayomide Onawola

Thursday, February 1st, 13:00 – 14.15 CEST

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About the Speakers

Dr. Dauda Ayomide Onawola is currently the Project Veterinarian and Zoonoses Education Campaign Manager at Pandrillus Nigeria. He has managed campaigns, outreaches and trainings in rural and urban settings across Nigeria. He has a diverse experience which cuts across livestock development, public health, wildlife conservation, and information technology. He is a chronic advocate for the One Health approach to solving health-related issues and socio-economic challenges that affect humans, animals and the ecosystem as a whole, especially in the Global South.

Different aspects of the project will be highlighted by the consortium partners: Dr. Sandra Altherr (Pro Wildlife – Germany), Wilson Ateh (Limbe Wildlife Centre – Cameroon), Mercy Doe (Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary – Liberia), Wilson Chinda (GRI Zambia Primate Project – Zambia)

About the Alliance

The International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade serves as an inclusive and interdisciplinary platform to discuss challenges and formulate solutions vis-á-vis human-wildlife interfaces and associated health risks and the emergence and spread of zoonotic pathogens from wildlife. The Alliance is aiming to enhance international and national awareness, knowledge, policies and action, not least by narrowing the gap between science and implementation.

We are delighted to host this event and are enthusiastic to have a broad exchange within the Alliance community. Please feel free to forward and share this invitation with interested colleagues.