Since the Alliance’s creation, more than 180 organisations have joined. Members can be non-governmental organisations, governmental institutions, representatives from civil society and indigenous peoples’ organisations, international organisations, research institutes, and the private sector.  

Our many members contribute to and benefit from this unique platform for international and interdisciplinary matchmaking and knowledge exchange. For its members, the Alliance: 

  • offers access to expert knowledge and insights into local realities.
  • offers an attractive online exchange platform, incl. seminars and other formats from different disciplines.
  • fosters collaboration based on members’ profiles and needs, including upon request.
  • facilitates individual working groups according to members’ interests to further explore topics, elaborate insights and offer guidance: Working groups are set up and chaired by the Alliance’s members and supported by the Secretariat.
  • keeps members informed with news from the community through the website and newsletter.
  • offers opportunities to share expertise and highlight own projects.
  • coordinates a joint voice and presence on international forums to impact political processes and agendas on the international level. Within the Alliance different members may choose to come together and work collaboratively on e.g.:
  • Co-creating relevant documents, including policy recommendations.
  • Offering good practice and lessons learnt on topics of interest in the form of papers, webinars, in-person conferences or training sessions.

All actors who may offer additional information and evidence, skills or experience towards the Alliance’s goals are welcome to join the Alliance as a member. 

How to join the Alliance 

Becoming a member is free of charge and can be achieved by consenting to the Alliance’s Charter (verlinken) containing the vision, mission and goals and the Operational Manual (verlinken), outlining the governance. To do so, applicants need to register on the website and consent to both, Charter and Operational Manual. The registration will then be made transparent for members; if any standing member has justified objections regarding a new applicant joining, the concern will be forwarded to the Steering Committee, which will then review the membership application within four weeks. Once approved, the Secretariat will add the applicant as a new member. The secretariat will ask new members for their logo for presentation purposes on the Alliance’s website and for presentations. 

By registering, members express their intent to:

  • Support the goals of the Alliance.
  • Contribute to the Alliance’s goals with local, national, regional, and/or international activities.
  • Communicate about activities and plans with the Alliance and its members.
  • Participate in spaces for knowledge sharing and common learning.
  • Explore possibilities for cooperation and common actions with other members.

Do you want to become a member? 

Our values

An Alliance membership is based on mutual respect and the belief that the diverse perspectives are crucial for achieving the Alliance’s goals. By joining, members agree and commit to the following collaboration principles: 

  • All member organisations have equal rights and duties.
  • Collaboration among members is based on mutual respect and trust.
  • Meetings among members are held in confidentiality (Chatham House Rule), unless agreed otherwise.
  • Discussions are characterised by respect for traditional, local, and Indigenous peoples’ knowledge systems.
  • Conflicts of interest and biases are communicated transparently.

Engagement and Participation

As a member, you will receive access to the Members’ Area. Our platform is a place for mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences. Here we share personal profiles of members, Working Group updates, and News from within the community.

Our members:

  • actively initiate projects and contribute to collaborative Alliance initiatives.
  • utilise and enrich information provided by the Alliance’s Secretariat via the members’ area.
  • share information about work, learnings, research, and results as they pertain to the Alliance’s work and goals.
  • join or initiate working groups towards the achievement of the Alliance’s goals.
  • join the yearly plenary meeting to contribute to discussions, learn about developments, join or make proposals for working groups, elect the Steering Committee (every three years), and review the results of joint initiatives.

Alliance Working Groups

If desired, members of the Alliance delegate experts to join thematic Working Groups. Here, a lot of our interdisciplinary work takes place. Representing the diversity of the Alliance’s members, these Groups work on five relevant topics for healthier wildlife trade and societies:

  • Science-Policy Interface – Contributing input to international political processes
  • Transformative System Change: The Big Picture – Addressing underlying fundamental obstacles to achieving the Alliance’ goals
  • Evaluation for Effective Intervention – Gathering best practices on effective interventions from within the Alliance
  • Wildlife Trade Data Management – Improving wildlife trade data collection management, reporting and analysis
  • Human Dimension of Zoonosis in Wildlife Trade – Applying transdisciplinary approaches to assessing and addressing zoonoses risks

Here you can access the full versions of the Charter and our Operational Manual. These documents provide you with more detailed information about the vision, mission, scope and focus, functions of the Steering Committee, Secretariat, Working Groups, the Plenary and Membership in general:

For more information about the Alliance’s Secretariat and how the Alliance organises itself.

Do you still have questions? Feel free to contact us! Feel free to contact us!