Members project

Project Detail

Confiscation and Management of Live Wildlife as Evidence that promotes Conservation, Health, Welfare and successful prosecution

Live wildlife is commonly seized as evidence during enforcement efforts targeting illegal wildlife trade. Current capacity to manage live wildlife in many countries is weak leading to (i) increased risks of injury or disease to Government officers in contact with animals, (ii) diminished evidentiary value of the animals, and (iii) reduced potential of conservation benefits from rehabilitated, seized wildlife. These conditions also reduce the motivation and commitment of frontline enforcement officers who can be hesitant to act on cases that could result in live animal seizures. The project’s overarching goal is to increase government’s capacity to ensure the health and well-being of seized live wild animals and of people handling them. The project employs a multi-layered approach that combines (i) development of global best-practice Standard operating Protocols (SOPs), capacity assessment frameworks and localized training curricula with, (ii) targeted capacity interventions, and (iii) national legal and regulatory reform.

Photo Credit: ‘Pangolin’ by Paul Hilton, WCS


Lucy Keatts

Position: Project Lead