NACOH presents the opportunity to carry out One Health approaches following the recommendations of the earlier projects and the Nigerian Strategic One Health plan. It will continue efforts to understand underlying mechanism of disease transmissions between humans and animals, combining methods of epidemiology, anthropology and virology to unify efforts towards enhanced animal, public and environmental/wildlife health under one umbrella. This will ideally result in early detection of pathogens with pandemic potential and in parallel, concrete responses caused by zoonotic pathogens. The project shall create and strengthen inter-institutional, inter-sectoral partnerships nationally and internationally. Leadership and coordination in combination with an emphasis on innovation, training, surveillance, publication of research outcomes, wildlife conservation and risk communication will be the major outputs of the institutions involved.
Our coalition is conducting targeted advocacy urging member states and decision- makers to include spillover prevention in the WHO pandemic accord and the CBD’s Global Biodiversity Framework and Action Plan for Biodiversity and Health, as well as the Pandemic Fund.
Our coalition is conducting targeted advocacy to Global South countries with a high risk of zoonotic spillover urging them to implement reforms to mitigate that risk, channel funding towards effective interventions and support the inclusion of spillover prevention in relevant multilateral efforts.
Our coalition is conducting targeted advocacy to the US and select G7 governments urging them to allocate significant funding to spillover prevention, ensure relevant language is included in multilateral frameworks and adopt supportive domestic reforms and interventions.
Since 2007, CEWS monitors (formal and/or common methods) the global illegal and legal e-commerce of wildlife. We are the only NGO doing formal monitorings of the e- commerce outside of Central and Eastern Europe, and the only NGO doing it globally. Our results are shared during CITES CoP’s, with the enforcement authorities, INTERPOL, NGO’s, media, the monitored classified advertisements and social media platform managers. Our lobbying helps to protect endangered wildlife from the exploitation and trade, raise awareness about the international e-commerce of fauna species, and the urgency needed for the governments to act, by monitoring their own e-commerce of wildlife to tackle and enforce it properly.
We formally monitor the illegal and legal e-commerce of wild fauna in Africa, Asia and the Americas, but more recently we have focused in Mexico, Canada, and the US, but in each monitoring we choose different countries in Latin America.
Each project is unique and differs in results, species of animals checked, countries monitored, demand and specimens found from past formal monitorings which CEWS has done for more than a decade and half. The runtimes are between 6 months and multiple years, depending on the specific setting.
CEWS uses advocacy, education and lobbying to let the public and governments learn about how the e-commerce of wildlife is decimating the international fauna populations.
This project has three interrelated aims, all with the goal of identifying Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) risks associated with human-wildlife contact and understanding gradients of risks across socio-ecological contexts. Specifically, we are characterizing pathogens of bushmeat and the nature and frequency of human-wildlife contact across the bushmeat commodity chain. The final product will be identification of potentially zoonotic pathogens circulating undetected in bushmeat and the underlying factors that shape human exposure risks.
Southeast Asia (SEA) is a hotspot for emerging infectious diseases, and Vietnam, a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) in SEA, has unprecedented demand for meat from livestock such as pigs and farmed wild animals that act as zoonotic reservoirs for emerging and re-emerging pathogens. For instance, our previous studies in northern Vietnam have shown that a. HEV-3 superinfection and high seroprevalence are associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with hepatitis B-related liver disease, b. high HEV seroprevalence in occupationally exposed individuals is associated with risk of HEV exposure and infection, c. high (12%) HEV RNA positivity in pig livers and an associated risk of foodborne transmission in the human population. The aim of this project is to identify circulating zoonotic pathogens in domesticated and farmed wild animals and then to molecularly characterize them to understand their abundance, transmission dynamics and associated human health burden.
Who we are: The PAN ASEAN Coalition for Epidemic and Outbreak Preparedness (PACE-UP) is a Center for global health and pandemic prevention in Asia led by a multidisciplinary consortium of North-South and South-South collaborations. Our consortium leverages on equitable Asia-Europe-Africa partnerships to build and strengthen regional and ASEAN-wide capacity and systems to respond rapidly and effectively to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in the region. The Global Health and Pandemic Prevention Center is located at Vietnamese-German Center for Medical Research (VG-CARE) in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The goal of the project is to set up a One Health approach in three WWF project areas in the Congo Basin (Dzanga Sanga, Campo Ma’an and Malebo) with the long-term aim to improve the health of humans and animals. The project uses wild great apes, and other wildlife species (e.g. animals hunted as bushmeat, rodents, bats, etc.), as sentinels for novel pathogens which have the potential to spread to humans. At the same it investigates how pathogens of humans and their domestic animals can be a threat for wildlife conservation, especially for great apes, and how spill-over can be prevented.
Belén is the largest, most important open market selling wildlife in the Peruvian Amazon and the key point where poached wildlife converged in Iquitos is illegally traded, threatening the survival of species and the wellbeing of the region’s poorest citizens. Based on findings from previous research at Belén Market, and in collaboration with local partners, World Animal Protection designed a project to help understand and tackle this illegal trade.
“Building evidence to reduce demand for wildlife products in Peru” is a two-year project financed by the UK government as part of their Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. Using innovative approaches, this project will build the evidence needed to design a behaviour change campaign that reduces illegal wildlife trade in Belén and provide robust national/regional guidance to support sustainable, legal livelihood transitions for low-income communities currently dependent on this type of trade.
The evidence and knowledge gathered from this project will be incorporated into a National Action Plan and our vision is for this project to be scaled up and replicated so that iconic Amazon species are no longer killed and sold in urban markets across Peru.
Derivatives of a jaguar sold at Belén market. Credit: Fernando Carniel Machado (World Animal Protection, March 2017)
The Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic (BWRC) offers bi-annual health checks for captive breeding programs in Belize (green iguana, central american river turtle). Each individual is examined to determine the health status of the individual. A health check report is developed and submitted to the housing institution and to the Belize Forest Department. Scarlet Macaw chicks which are monitored by Friends For Conservation And Development (FCD) in the Chiquibul National Park are examined throughout the monitoring season (April-September). Any individuals from either project that has any emergency condition is brought in to the BWRC for treatment, monitoring or further examination if the need arises.